Monday, May 28, 2012


Lately I've been sketching on paper, just taking a break from the screen. Here is a new blog for my sketchbook, so please leave your comments:

a bit sci_fi_03_Bianca

And this one I've just finished, I've been working on it for a while, hopefully the next one will get easier to do. Cheers

A bit sci_fi_02_Bianca

This is an illustration for an online sci-fi magazine, also done last year.

A bit sci_fi_Bianca

I've done this picture some time ago, me and some friends were suppose to make a short animated movie. Hopefully it will get animated :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bear attack - Robert

i was a bit tired of all my static images and wanted some movement, so I tried a slightly different approach and by chance ended up with this monochrome sketch. i do wish i put in colors from the start, i find it pretty hard adding them afterwards and getting a good result.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Strange Uncle Ron - Johannes

Strange uncle Ron, always showing up unannounced with his latest batch of homemade cookies that everyone has to try. Some people believe that he's from the future but mom tells us not to listen to such nonsense.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pirates - Johannes

Finnishing up my piratepainting that I made for the illustrated challenge at cghub. Balancing detail with looseness,working on levels, the usual stuff.